Funeral Services: Friedrich-Jones Funeral Homes & Cremation Services

When a loved one dies, his or her funeral is a time for friends and family to celebrate their life, and to say goodbye with dignity and grace. The family of professionals at Friedrich-Jones Funeral Homes & Cremation Services understands how important this time is, and you can trust them to make the moment personalized and memorable.

Friedrich-Jones Funeral Homes & Cremation Services in Naperville has been providing exceptional service to the community since 1918. Ray, Stephanie and Dave Jones own and operate the funeral homes. The Jones family also owns the Overman-Jones Funeral Home in Plainfield.

Whether you honor your loved one at one of their beautifully appointed facilities or at a church or another meaningful location, the family and staff at Friedrich-Jones Funeral Homes are committed to helping your family create a customized service that celebrates your loved one’s life.

However, Friedrich-Jones Funeral Home’s care doesn’t end after the service. Their funeral homes also provide aftercare programs to help you remember and cherish your loved one long after they are gone. These include an annual memorial luminary program during the holidays and a spring seed memorial program.

Pictured from left to right: Stephanie Jones-Kastelic, Ray Jones, Dave Jones.

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